Our vision is to create a foundation of mental wellbeing for young women that provides a toolkit for confidence and resilience, so that they can handle whatever life brings.

We envisage a world where young women and those who identify as female step out into the world feeling empowered and alive with connection, confident and thriving. We envisage their understanding of the web of community connections that hold them as they navigate their journey. We envisage young people who are able to express themselves fully as they are, knowing their unique gifts and sharing them to help create a world they are proud to be part of.
Measuring Wellbeing

Our Impact

We aim to create lasting change for the young people who come to SisterWood, giving them the tools to support themselves as they navigate life.

To measure this in our term time programme, we’ve carried out wellbeing scales at the start and end of the young people’s time with us; used questionnaires and collected testimonials. We’ve also carried out surveys with parents, carers, referrers and schools, and hold follow up phone calls with parents / carers 3 months after they’ve completed a programme.